Thursday, November 17, 2011


I.         Introduction
A.     their are more than 1 billion people living in slums
B.     a slum is were people live in a very tight area with a lot of houses
D.  slums help us in a lot of ways we don't notice
II.         Defendable Point #1
A.     slums help us by increasing our world population also helping us by the things they make.
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.  " we are now in Kalberia the biggest slum in Kenya."
                           C.  this shows that their are some big sums out their and the biggest in Kenya
D.    do you know how many people live in all those slums?
III.         Defendable Point #2
A.    one out of every seven people in the world live in slums.
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.    from google " 1 out of every 7 people live in slums."
                                C.     alot of people live in slums one out of seven is alot!
D.    how does it feel to be a slum?
IV.         Defendable Point #3
A.    how was it to be a slum?
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.     mysagansy says "it is pretty bad in a slum it is not a good site."
                                  C.    it is not soo pretty to live in a slum
D.    i learned alot
V.         Conclusion
A.     their are more than 1 billion people living in slums
C.   slums arent very pretty but they help us in many ways like making cloths
D.    how would your life be if you lived in a slum?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

thesis statement

slums are bad for human populations because the unsanitary conditions lead to disease, Slums are overcrowded and the accumulation of trash leads to poor living conditions.